About Sourdough
True sourdough bread is made from three simple ingredients:
flour, water, and salt.
Why sourdough?
The vast majority of bread in our bakeries and supermarkets is is made with commercial yeast. Commercial yeast is predictable, fast-acting, and widely available. When it was introduced in the 1860’s it revolutionized the way bread was made. But for this convenience we traded quality, taste, and a tradition of baking that dates back to the very beginning of bread: the tradition of baking with wild yeast.
Wild yeast exists in the environment around us and in the grains that make up our flour. It’s free, and we harness it in our “starter” of flour and water. This bubbly mixture is what leavens our bread. The natural fermentation tends to give the dough a sour taste, but this can vary widely depending on the recipe and specific techniques. So although many people think of sourdough as a flavor, it’s really better described as a method.
organic flour
In our bread and baked goods we use certified organic flour from Montana Flour & Grains. Located two hours away in Fort Benton, Montana Flour & Grains is “one of the region's leading purchasers of organic grains…committed to ideals of sustainable stewardship of our natural resources for those of future generations”
Their unbleached all-purpose flour comprises the bulk of our bread and baked goods.
Whole Grains
All of our breads use a minimum of 20% whole grain flour. We value whole grains for their taste and nutrition, and are always looking for ways to make better whole grain breads and pastries without compromising texture.
simple ingredients
In general we approach baking with a whole-foods focus, seeking ingredients that are unprocessed and free from additives or artificial ingredients.
Our classic sourdough contains only three ingredients: flour, water, and salt. Although other loaves may contain honey, seeds, nuts, or dried fruit, we mostly let the bread speak for itself. With the exception of the cinnamon raisin loaf we do not add sugar, and all of our breads are egg free and dairy free.
When it comes to pastries, we use organic cane sugar, Montana honey, local eggs and fruit that is organic or local and non-sprayed
click to learn more:
Bleached vs. Non-Bleached Flour (from Wheat Montana)
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